Taurus, Virgo,
and Capricorn
are the earth signs and Saturn
and Venus are
the earth planets.
Earth is the reality
element. Earth people are quiet, placid, and practical. They
value people and things by their usefulness. Earth signs are
conservative and like the status quo. They are good at organizing
and love order because it makes them feel secure.
The greatest strengths
of earth include the ability to sort fact from fiction, to stay
in control, to be reliable and persistent. Earth people are
very connected to their bodies as well as to Mother Earth and
all her abundant gifts.
OF TOO MUCH EARTH in a natal chart may result in a lack
of imagination and spark and a doggedness that tends to slow
down the pace.
EARTH in a natal chart evidences as a strange sense of not
being rooted in the physical universe or in the physical body.
They may find it hard to keep track of reality and lose all
sense of proportion in stressful times.
The element of
earth represents substance and physical form. Earth is practical,
substantial, and material, and is concerned with matter and
our need to interact with the physical world. Earth is passive
and receptive; it must be acted on and formed by external energies.
Earth is the most stable of the elements. Earth signs are concerned
with the physical, the material, and with issues of worth and
Earth is the slowest
moving of the elements; in fact, earth almost seems not to move
at all. Earth signs have the most even temperaments, and are
the most difficult to provoke to take action-but don't forget
that inertia works both ways! Yes, it takes a lot to get earth
signs moving, and yes, they tend to move rather slowly when
they do, but the sheer weight and mass that earth signs carry
with them can be a formidable power to experience. Steamrollers
don't move particularly fast-but they aren't to be trifled with.
Earth signs are
first and foremost concerned with what is practical. Earth signs
relate primarily on the physical, tangible level, and often
struggle with understanding more abstract concepts. Individuals
with a strong emphasis in earth tend to be very sensual, and
very anchored in the physical. These individuals communicate
best through their sense of touch, taste, and hearing. They
are far more likely to rely on what their physical bodies tell
them than on any information they receive on the mental, intellectual,
or verbal levels. Earth signs experience the full range of emotions,
although they are frequently so grounded that they do not appear
to be feeling much of anything.
Earth signs have
a tendency to become addicted to the illusions of the physical
plane. It is a very short step from simply enjoying the material
world and the creature comforts and pleasures that come with
it, to identifying with these trappings and losing sight of
our true, spiritual purposes. Earth signs can become so grounded
that they have difficulty accepting that the unseen, spiritual
world has any validity at all. The lesson for earth signs is
to learn the ways of grounding spiritual energy in the material
Earth signs recharge
through connecting with the Earth. Individuals with a strong
emphasis in earth in their charts often find that they enjoy
gardening, caring for their lawns, and anything that puts them
in direct contact with nature. |