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Wendy Cicchetti

International Astrologer and Spiritual Counselor

Moon Phases

As the Moon circles the Earth, the shape of the Moon appears to change; this is because different amounts of the visible part of the Moon are facing us. The shape changes from a Full Moon (when the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon) to a New Moon (when the Moon is between the Sun and the Earth).

For centuries, indigenous tribes have used the phases of the Moon to assist them, from planting to harvesting crops, planning ceremonies, and marking the passage of time. By using these Lunar energies, harvests were much more productive and ceremonies more powerful. It is common knowledge that the Moon also impacts human behavior on a very instinctual level. So, using the phases of the Moon to empower our lives has a rich history.


Of all the planetary cycles the Moon cycle is the easiest to visually witness. The direct visual experience of any Moon phase actually begins the day before the phase is exact. The New Moon is often referred to as the dark of the Moon because there is about a three day window when the Moon is invisible. Sometimes there may be the smallest tiny crescent Moon visible for a brief time either the day before the New Moon just before Sunrise or the day after just after Sunset. When the New Moon is exact there is no Moon visible at all because the Moon is with the Sun. Therefore the dark of the Moon or New Moon window (the day before, day of and day after the exact New Moon) is the best time for individually and collectively planting seeds, or sending out prayers, for healing and manifesting our deepest desires.

This is the perfect times to remember we are in control of our lives and make course corrections if needed. The energies of the New Moon are perfect for sending out the ideas for what you want to manifest or create in your life. These intentions can range from personal attributes or behaviors you desire to the tangible things and possessions you want to acquire, to the perfect mate or partner.

You may want to also explore where any New Moon falls in your Natal chart to determine which house will be most impacted and where your emphasis for personal work would be most beneficial.

PLAN YOUR OWN NEW MOON CEREMONY - By having a personal or group ceremony, it allows you the time and mental focus to put on paper and envision what you want to manifest; those areas that will bring you the greatest joy and personal satisfaction and happiness. Also, you might list those areas where you want to become more productive and discerning. You have a three day window where the energies are the most potent for creation, the day before, the day of, and the day after the exact time of the New Moon. Possible phrasing for intentions could include: I now manifest _______ into my life. I am now _______ , I now have the perfect partner for me. Burn your written intentions and as the smoke rises into the heavens, release your desires to your concept of God or Great Spirit, the creator of infinite possibilities. Burn a little sage and let the universe do the work for you.

Always remember, think, envision and feel with as much emotion as possible, as though you already have what you want. Thoughts are things and the brain manifests exactly what you show it in the form of thoughts, visuals and emotions. What you think upon, grows.
"If you always do what you've always done, then you'll always get what you've always got." CONSCIOUS CHANGE is the key.


A Full moon symbolizes the fulfillment of the seeds planted at a previous New Moon or some earlier cycle. Each Full Moon reminds us of the seeds we may have coming to maturity, to their fullness, to fruition, to the place where the fruits or gifts are received. This is also the time to release those things that are nolonger useful. As the Moon now lessens in light approaching the New Moon phase we create space for the new as the old is released.

You may want to also explore where any Full Moon falls in your Natal chart to determine which house will be most impacted and where your emphasis for personal work would be most beneficial.

PLAN YOUR OWN FULL MOON CEREMONY - Find the time to have your own private Full Moon Ceremony. You have a three day window of energy in which to release the old and that which no longer serves you; the day before, the day of, and through the day after the Full Moon.

Jot down two or three areas of your life you want to clean up, so by the next New Moon your slate is clean for new beginnings, and fertile for the planting of new seeds.

Possible phrasing: I now release________ from my life. I now release my destructive ________ patterns. I now let go of fear, jealosy, anger, envy, negative thinking, etc... Always remember, think and envision as though you have already let go of what you want to release. See yourself free from anything holding you back from your dreams. Thoughts are things and the brain manifests exactly what you show it in the form of thoughts and visuals about yourself. What you think upon, grows.

"If you always do what you've always done, then you'll always get what you've always got." CONSCIOUS CHANGE is the key.

It may seem that fulfillment of our goals takes a long time. Some intentions may manifest within the two week phase prior to the next New or Full Moon. Some however, depending on their complexity, may take a much longer time. Just remember that our thoughts set Universal Action in motion and much work takes place behind the scenes as everything is orchestrated for fulfillment. Keep visualizing your goals as though you have already attained them without thought to current conditions and your dreams will eventually manifest. Patience is required.


When two Full Moons occur in a single month, the second Full Moon is called a "Blue Moon." Another definition of the Blue Moon is the third full moon that occurs in a season of the year which has four Full Moons (usually each season has only three Full Moons.)


The following site provides VIRTUAL REALITY MOON PHASE PICTURES. You can view the phase of the Moon for any date and time [1800-2199 A.D].