Opportunity PeriodsOpportunity Periods are a wonderful tool to maximize our efforts. Opportunity Periods reflect favorable aspects of the Moon. The energies of the Moon impact us in a very direct way. Using the positive energies the Moon showers upon the Earth to our benefit makes good sense. Opportunity Periods have proven to provide helpful energy to non routine tasks. If you feel like you are always going against the grain and things are stressful, try using these time periods for more easily accomplishing important tasks: purchases, repairs, client appointments, sales calls, important phone calls, finishing goals, starting new projects, tying up loose ends, starting new relationships, job hunting, doctor visits, family meetings, etc. I personally use OPs and find them to be invaluable. I am happy to pass on this unique and useful information. Very few Astrologers are aware of OPs as the formula for their calculation is not widely known. Get ahead of the game and order yours today. A Calander with hand written Opportunity Period notations for the entire year is $150.00. A Table of Opportunity Periods in PDF form for the year is now 1/2 price for $50.00. Sample
for January: Saturday
January 8th - OP from 9:05 am - 8:11 pm. Friday January 14th - OP from 9:38 am
- 9:27 pm. It is typical to have from 1-3
OP's per week. |